Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Direction for Health Care Reform

Protection of the patient and Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, but the question of the existence and implementation, and anger, and the new year. Make a serious political error, and is already affecting the cost of health insurance, but these are part of a wider and deeper issue: the role of the federal government the right to health care in America. A public stand on this issue is far stopped the flow of the new law. Easy to convince me of replies

As the ramifications of Obamacare will continue, it becomes clear that the changes are bad. The new law cuts Medicare $ 575000000000, but using those savings to finance a new health care law, financial insolvency or before Medicare. "Bending the cost curve" was one of the original goal of Obamacare, but the Medicare actuary reported that, although the new law complicated curve, is in the wrong direction: up, not down.

In addition, many employers raised Obamacare said an increase in health insurance premiums, which urges you to consider dropping coverage or pass on costs to workers and their families. Missions and new rules could continue to block the ability of firms to offer health insurance to employees, and even threatens to undermine the economy. Finally, when the law is completely on-line costs are recorded and real, is Obamacare is expected to significantly the budget deficit.

But the debate goes beyond the political errors and magnitude of the legitimate role of government in health care. Obamacare increases Washington's influence on all aspects of U.S. health care system, not only in the insurance market, but even at the bedside. Medicare beneficiaries will be particularly affected by the creation of new bureaucratic entities and top to bottom, including the cost of the mechanisms involved in the law.

Meanwhile, Americans continue to oppose all or part of a new health reform law. Inspectors, as Rasmussen shows that Americans support the repeal Obamacare between 50 percent to 63 percent since the flow of the law. In November, American voters have chosen to send a wave of new legislators in Congress, many of whom a campaign to repeal the law. The provisions of Obamacare is not responsible for what the Americans want to strengthen the case for repeal, and new direction for health care reform.

So what's the alternative? The reform of the health care system should be modified to improve control over their personal health care financing and decision-making. Patients, including those for Medicare and Medicaid should be able to choose a private health insurance plans that best suits their needs.

Market reforms that promote greater competition in the insurance industry and greater choice for consumers, so they can find the best value for money. This bottom-up approach to reduce health care costs would be to maintain the quality of care in the United States. It would give doctors and patients, not bureaucrats in Washington, is responsible for decisions by individuals.

While the debate continues, plans that reflect these principles are gaining more traction. U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan "Plan for the future of America," would radically change Medicare, Medicaid, and the overall health system to put patients in the driver's seat. Ryan and Alice Rivlin, both members of the Commission responsible for economic policy and reform, and proposed a plan similar to Medicare andMedicaid to replace the highly centralized bureaucratic system of defined contribution program, which offers beneficiaries a greater autonomy .


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